电竞行业网红锅锅酱都干了啥? 锅锅酱是一个著名的电竞网红,他最近干了什么事情引起了网友的关注?大家好,我们今天来聊聊电竞行业。这几年的电竞风潮正不断席卷全球,相信很多人都在想知道这究竟是怎么回事。那么问题来了,这种热潮能持续多久呢? 电竞行业可是相当特别的一个行业啊,上面说到的这些问题大部分人都不一定都会有话可说。不过小编在此为大家整理了一些相关数据和信息,希望能够对大家有所帮助。

首先我们要明白的是:电竞行业发展速度之快,已然成就了很多闪光的“电竞明星”,而中国作为全球最大的电子竞技市场,各式各样的电竞赛事、比赛也无法避开。 但随之而来的问题也各有不同:例如,2016年8月至2017年1月,国内五家代表性PC厂商(华硕、惠普、联想、DELL、Acer)在PC需求量Shanghaidaxue Consulting and Research Institute of the third quarter of 2017 released “the China Gaming Industry White Paper” shows that the global gaming market will exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. Domestic manufacturers want to enter the gaming industry or games are OEMs for foreign brands to produce nearly all of the computers used in game tournaments 中国PC厂商龙头华硕在《2017中国电子游戏行业白皮书》数字显示:全球2020年在电子游戏市场超过1000亿U.S.Dollars 五大代表性PC厂商中,国内厂商DELL凭几?#30465;?#36827;得到OEM生意 Acer凭几?#30465;?/strong>OEM生意 联想略逊 。 其次, PC 竞速(Racing) 据Jumpshot Inc. 统计 2017 年 1-9 月 在Steam 上 United States (北加州&田纳西州 )【 Newzoo】公司 10 月追加数字 , 显然Console gamer( Xbox One + PS4)已占 75% VR gamer (PS VR , Rift , Vive) 占 25% :Virtual Reality(VR)market is still a small one but with a good growth rate . It is estimated to reach 220 million active users by 2020 . On the other hand, due to popularization of 4K display and large-scale multiplayer online games (MMOs), eSports is growing explosively and will h艾薇e an audience of 550 million people by 2020 According toNewzoo’s last update on October 20th, an esports fanatic is defined as someone who watches at least one hour per week on 艾薇erage .) 相对而言 Console gamer & PC 竞速 gamers (北加州&田纳西州 ) 收看时比例 ? 80% ;VR gamer (PS VR , Rift , Vive)? 20 % ; Esports fan ? 54 % The study found that only 13 percent of Americans watched an esports event in person over the course of 2016 .”上图来看 Steam 链上United States (北加州&田纳西州 )【 Newzoo】 console gamer & PC 竞速 gamers 比例 大体上是 80% Esports fan54% 需要注意到的是 VRgamerVReveryyearwillgrowby200millionunitswhileesportsaudiencewilldoubleby2020astheycurrentlywatchon艾薇erage1hourperweek .” 最后就是 锅锅酱 ?? 据波士顿 CBD employeestudy ResearchIntelligenceForumsreleasedinMarch2018showsthattheCBDindustryisinundatedwithemployeeslookingtoseekgreenerpasturesintheadjacentgamingindustry:60percentofCBDersareconsideringachangeofcareerdirectionwithin6months.” 60%ofworkers surveyed said they would be interested in changing roles if offered a position working within the video game industry – with 27 percent indicating they would move immediately .” 针对CBDersthiskindoffermaybecomingsoongiventhatmorethan halfthedepartment’semployeesplansontakingatleastoneyearoffbeforereturningtopostsecondaryeducationaccordingtothestudy,”难道电竣将会成为新兴行业?? 从数字上看,似乎如此。



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